Saturday, February 1, 2014

Stash Bee Post

Well, after over 2 years, finally got another post written. Not published here but, you can see it at Stash Bee, where I'm participating and I'm the Queen Bee for the month of February. There you will find the tutorial for the block I'm requesting.

Will have to write more often. Until then, Happy stitching (:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jumping-in the Blog-Wagon...

Been reading blogs for quiet some time and loving them. At some point I decided to sign up for my own blog (several months ago), but didn't got around setting it up, even less could figure out what to say that would be of interest to others. I actually did my first post on a blog I joined - KOKINA AND THE STITCHING A-LONG GANG! click here to read it. So, that post and something I read on another blog helped me to make the decision to finally get this one going. Will I ever have hundreds of readers? We'll see... For now I want to use this medium as a way to document my Passion to Quilt and as a way to keep track of my accomplishments in quilting. Hopefully when my kids get older they will be interested in reading this "electronic diary" of My Quilt Adventures n' More... 

Here's My 1st Quilt!

I first became interested in quilting while watching "Simply Quilts" with Alex Anderson on HGTV, in 2000, while living in Anchorage, AK. Got some books out of the public library and visited a quilt shop where I found out they offered workshops, so I took my first piecing lesson and ended up with a quilt top. Later we moved to Springfield, MO where at the Quilt Sampler I took a class with Kathy Kansier, to learn different binding methods and free motion quilting and that's how I finished the quilt above. Kathy is an excellent teacher, quilt show judge and AQS Certified Quilt Appraiser.

Until next time... Happy stitching :) 

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